Monday, November 12, 2012

Port #11: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Upon arriving to Buenos Aires, I was completely dumfounded at how developed the city was.  Large, modern skyscrapers lined the skyline.  My ignorance led me to believe that the whole of Latin America was part of the backwoods, developing world – similar to what I experienced in Nicaragua and Ghana.  Absolutely not the case.  Argentina is making it happen!  Buenos Aires is developed and is on the rise.

The first day in BA was spent walking around the city to visit the parks, historical sights, tourist traps, etc.  Buenos Aires is a sprawling city.  Miles upon miles were walked.  The second day began with a jog along the River (Rio Plata) specifically within a nature reserve.  It was amazing.  Upon returning to the ship, I and some other friends/colleagues ventured out to a wine tasting.  This was a food-filled, wine tasting experience.  As great as the food was, the wine was even better.  All the bottles were from small, family-run wineries in Argentina.  Of course I had to support small business by purchasing a couple of bottles…The rest of that afternoon, evening, and night was spent causally walking from the tasting to the ship making pit stops for ice cream, empanadas, and other local delicacies.    

The third day was a duty day – my last day on duty while in port.  There were no issues to speak of, and more importantly, this was the day I finished my Comp.

The last day was spent like the first – walking and visiting different parts of the city.  Although this day, I treated myself to a top-line slab of beef.  I’ve never had meat like this.  To all my meat (and potatoes) friends out there, you’ve got to make your way to Argentina!

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